Our Services for Individuals

Unlock the power of QR-Codes in your daily life.

Easy to share

Always up to date

Track and improve

Personalized for you

Our Process

Your gateway to infinite possibilities

Choose from countless pre-designed products

We create your individual QR Code

Receive your Product

Scan and add to your account

Ready to go!

pre-designed or custom

Get in touch


Sign Contract

Regular Updates & Collaboration

Launch & Support

From sharing your Instagram at a sports event to creating connections at festivals or showcasing your DIY projects, QR codes bring endless possibilities to your daily life. Whether you’re an athlete wanting to promote your achievements, a partygoer sharing your playlist, or a creative entrepreneur showing off your latest designs, FleQuaR makes it easy.

Choose from ready-made designs in our online shop or contact us to create a fully customized QR code designs just for you. You can add your unique QR codes to clothes, accessories, or gadgets, and update the links anytime. Turn every interaction into a meaningful connection with FleQuaR – helping you share who you are, whenever and wherever you need.


Start From A Hello!

Contact Us

How to reach us


Your contact for individual service:
Nicolas Schröck

We Help You Expand
Brand Influence
